Sunday Sunday!
Afternoon Carla and OFF family yet to come in and post...
Been in a mean and nasty mood last few days and it IS going away bu****ching what I say here...:-/
Opened my birthday gift last night from Rick...he gave me a pretty Christmas hanging basket with lights on it and some candles that go in the windows that I always make comments I have for each window. ;-) The bulbs flicker like real flames do. Looks nice.
Worn out from working all the time and some tenants ******g me off BIG time. One in particular. Need to get away from here SOON! Can't go anywhere til Christmas and I just might have to go further in debt and stay away longer than I wanted just to regroup!! We are at each others throats and that is not good. We have never fought like that before...all the stress of both our families being sick adds to it I guess. His family has no clue what is going on with them...only call and get us worried and leave it there...My family mom, sister and older brother all sick...worries me half to death!!!
Thanksgiving dinner for the tenants will be this Wednesday at 12:30 and so far I have 15 signed up for it!! Now tell me do I KNOW how much turkey to buy????? Sure a lot will show up without signing up for it!!! Maybe I should give tickets out and they must have a ticket to get in for the dinner??? These are all adult here and KNOW they HAVE to let me know ahead of time...turkeys do not thaw out overnight!!!!! So Rick said after Christmas dinner for these tenants we are DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We give it our all and this is how they thank us...granted here ARE a few that DO come to EVERY function we have and help out. Most do not. Those come and eat and listen to gossip and stab in our backs......I give u***** said we can still have the BBQ in nice weather because the nasty ones do not come to those. MAYBE we will continue to do that for them. I am no sure right now.
Went to lock up last night...checked the doors made sure all locked and then checked the full of poop and toilet paper and plugged AGAIN!!!!!!!! Called Rick and he said to lock them up!!!!!!! Not going to open them up again unless there is a function going on there!!!!!!!!!! Why do these people have to be such pigs?????????????? WHY?????? There is notes in each bathroom to CALL US IF THERE IS A PROBLEM AND THEY CAN'T FIX IT!!!! Do they call us and let us know?? NO!!!
Like I said tempers here are short and we are working on being nice again. It is hard to do right now but we do love each other so we will get through this soon enough. Sorry to be such a "witch" and complain here today...but I know you are there for me and will help me get through this ordeal.
Then there is also the learning the business end of work on the PC...OMG I AM SOOOOO LOST!!!!!!!!!!! The woman teaching me went to lunch Thursday and left me hanging...WTH??????? I get so far into the program and I get stuck and I try so had to figure it out and can't!!!! Then she sends out a memo asking who wants to go on further? HUH?????? I feel like I am ready to cry big time over this trying to learn!!!!!!!!! I HATE the PC to do the job!!!!!!!!! I really do!!!
OK going to go check my chili and if its ready, eat some and try to relax...:-/
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hi Judy,
Boy can I relate to feeling like the world is getting on my last nerve. That was how I felt constantly for years. I've since learned a few select behavioral changes that I make, to change my perspective on each situation.
1. I pray the Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change.
Courage to change the things I can.
And the wisdom to know the difference.
2. I had to lower my expectations of people. People are basically selfish and ungrateful. If I choose to do something for someone, or a group of people, even those from church, I do it expecting absolutely nothing in return. If they thank me, awesome, if they don't, I consider what I did then as a sacrificial gift for the Lord. The Bible promises me that anything, and everything, I do, should be done as a sacrifice to God He is the one who will reward melj
Albert Schweitzer have way too much on your plate. You need someone to help you.
Some of your tenants are really PIGS!! I think they do it on purpose sometimes. Unless they have an event in that party room they should have to come to the office to have the door unlocked. You are way nicer about it then me!!
Love you much....HUGE HUGS.....prayers....connie d
Good Evening Carla, Judy, and Everyone too Busy Today to Post,
I haven't been on the laptop all day. After church, I had nursery. Got to play with Frankie for an hour. Then, I redeemed a good amount of soda cans and bottles. I didn''t have much cash to really enjoy a craft fair I was going to go to at Lincoln's school, where his Mom hope not to have to go back to teach.
So, I went to the craft fair, and , got some great ideas, as I usually do. After I looked around, I went into the cafeteria, and bought a 50/50 raffle ticket. I wasn't home 15 minutes when I got a call telling me I won the 50/50. When I got there, I was told it was $217. I never win anything that nice. I hurried back over to the school, and came straight home. I plan to get to Joann Fabric either Monday or Tuesday..
Well, must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Good evening Carla and everyone....
I am back at Pam's now. I had a wonderful time at my daughter's home. So refreshing and relaxing. My son in law is an awesome chef!! I sat in the evenings by the fire place. Soothing music in surround sound. It was amazing. I wish I could have stayed!! They wanted me too.
I have appointments this week .....I hope! I am supposed to sign a lease on Tuesday and get my keys on Friday. I am still praying. Lori doesn't work tomorrow so I may not hear from her until Tuesday. I am a nervous wreck!!
I am too tired to post more tonight. I will chat tomorrow!!
Love, HUGS, and prayers to all....connie d